The Power of Crocus

Much has happened since I penned my last blog A Turn Of A Season late September 2014.  An unexpected medical diagnosis shortly thereafter, resulted in a shifting of priorities. Rather than say more, other than I am fine, I choose to focus on what’s ahead. Suffice it to say it has been a long hard winter in many places around the world.  Although we are 23 days into spring, it has only felt like spring in NYC these last few days.  Saturday in Brooklyn was a lovely day.  Windows open, I loved hearing the birds calling to one another and landing on still bare tree branches soon to be full of buds.  Birdcalls I hadn’t heard all winter delighted my ears. I am so happy to have heard them. The house next store to ours has been under renovation for 8 months, the front yard the staging ground for equipment and materials. Yet an abundance of purple crocuses have popped through the barren earth. How delightful to witness the joy of new beginnings.

We hibernate in winter, hunkering down and then allow for new growth to emerge as spring unfolds.  Will we like the crocus poke our heads through the tightly packed ground?  I’m pleased to report just like nature, we at BEI are poking our head out to celebrate new beginnings with the launch of our new website look and content.  In the midst of revitalization with enthusiasm like never before we announce our presence and availability to help new and returning clients create vibrant businesses and engaged workforces based on sound business values and practices which recognize a “rising tide lifts all boats”.

I’ve been eagerly awaiting the release of David Brook’s new book The Road To Character out today.  Over the last few years I’ve been noticing him speaking about his own yearning, and soul searching.  Yesterday on CBS This Morning he was interviewed and gave a definition of humility, which is worthy of repeat.  Humility is radically honest self-awareness. Teaching nowadays, he commented about how his students are yearning for what I refer to as life’s meaning, an inner moral compass.

You can get a taste of the book by reading his essay the Moral Bucket List, which appeared in the NY Times Sunday Review Section this weekend. Character is such an important aspect of life and I’m concerned it has taken a back seat to the fast paced, goal oriented work environments we’ve created.  Have we lost sight of it?  To have a workforce that’s engaged we need to have accountable managers who behave based on the basis of a moral compass.  Companies need expressed business values as well as their managers having their own personal moral compass.  Their character becomes the beacon of their managerial leadership.

How does your character affect your effectiveness at work?


Mom At 97: A Woman, Courage and Transformation


The Turn Of A Season